Signer #37: Charlotte Woodward, "The Last Survivor"

The only known signer who lived to see the 19th Amendment, Signer #37 campaigned for franchise all her life.

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Signer #33: Susan Quinn, "The Teenager"

14 years and 6 months old, Signer #33 is the youngest known signer.

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Signer #84: Jacob Mathews, "The Liquor Dealer"

Another signer is connected to the local liquor trade…

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Signer #39: Dorothy Mathews, "The Physician"

After the death of her spouse, the best candidate for Signer #39 became a doctor...

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Signer #14, Delia Mathews: "The Dissenter"

At odds with the Presbyterian church, Signer #14 spoke out...

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Signer #76, David Spalding: "One More Mystery..."

Signer #76 died of an unknown cause within three days of his spouse, Signer #57…

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Signer #7, Margaret Schooley: "The Fingerprint"

A challenge to trace, Signer #7 lived in New Jersey, New York, Illinois, Wisconsin, Kansas, and Florida.

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Signer #71, Justin Williams: "The Local Nomad"

Signer #71 couldn't stay in any one place for too long, but he never left town...

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Signer #5, Eunice Newton Foote: “The Climate Scientist”

Signer #5 discovered the link between carbon dioxide and climate change.

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Signer #32, Mary E. Conklin: “The Last Celebrant”

Signer #32 was one of two living signers to participate in a 1908 memorial celebration of the Convention.

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Signer #30, Elizabeth Conklin: "A Lucky Hit"

Searching out Declaration signers who married after the Convention is a galling challenge...

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Signer #74, Henry W. Seymour: "So Many Misfortunes"

The mystery surrounding the two Henry Seymours deepens.

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